Top 7 Web Development Trends For 2021

Claritus consulting
4 min readJan 25, 2021


Each year, new trends and technology create an environment where web developers locate themselves. 1 year is indicated by static sites, yet another by the cell reply, and yet another by chatbots. Web growth tendencies change more or less annually. For decision-makers, it’s essential to be knowledgeable about them for two reasons: preserving increased competition and hastening knowledge. Since over half of company owners wish to better their site, this is not likely to take place in your business.

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What are the current trends in Web development?

The year 2020 has brought many new trends in the development of the web, incorporating fresh ideas and new inventions. The key to success for a developer lies in gaining a vision of the future and current trends in web development and making the most of them.

Trend #1: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Bots

Chatbots are on the peak of the listing of new trends in web development. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an imitation of individual intellect exhibited in algorithms and machines made to think and behave like humans. Learning, reasoning, and opinions are the aims that AI includes.

In 2020, artificial intelligence has come to be a fundamental trend in contemporary web development. We’re constantly bombarded by illustrations of AI within our everyday routines. Another example is the highly innovative Netflix function. It monitors and analyzes user interactions with every picture and so recommends precise decisions based on accurate diagnosis.

Trend #2: Motion UI

Every product strives to be as attractive and appealing as possible. The Motion UI Library is a great solution for capturing users’ attention with beautiful animations. Motion UI is a standalone library that allows developers to create animated graphics and animations without having extensive knowledge of JavaScript or jQuery libraries. The year 2020 will see an increase in the popularity of the Motion UI due to the significant increase in demand for highly interactive websites that can deliver a visual story to the user instead of feeding him run-of-the-mill content.

Trend #3: Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs)

Google is taking significant actions to boost the mobile browsing experience. The business introduced the Accelerator Mobile Pages job in 2015 for advertisements and now it’s among the most recent trends in web technology. Web pages based on AMPs are exhibited with restricted HTML / CSS and JavaScript, which explains the reason why they create the web page load quicker. The platform provides advertisers and publishers the flexibility and freedom to determine how to present their own articles and what technologies to use. The AMP format is very likely to be prevalent in 2020, therefore be ready to take it one way or another.

Trend #4: Voice Search Optimization

Currently, about 20% of mobile searches are voice searches, according to Google. It is estimated that by 2020, at least 50% of search queries will be voice-based rather than text-based. Voice search optimization is one of the latest trends in web development that is rapidly gaining a foothold in the industry. As Internet users take fish water in search of voice in the same way that developers have begun to integrate voice search internally on their websites for their nonsense. It all starts with adding a voice search recognition API to a website, most importantly, the world’s largest web browsers, like Google Chrome, also supports it.

Trend #5: Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive Web Applications is a web app that uses advanced features to match the app experience. Therefore, users can take advantage of all possibilities without downloading the app. Similarly, they are suitable for companies and organizations that do not have the financial resources and opportunities to invest in the mobile app.

A recent study shows that mobiles dominate other devices such as desktops or tablets. There is also a serious difference between using mobile apps and mobile browsers. Users of applications spend more than 80% of their time with their gadgets.

Trend #6: Single Page Application (SPA) Architecture

Single Page Program is a web application that’s based on JavaScript. With the support of technologies, users feel like they are surfing a webpage for many of their requirements. As its name implies, a page program is a very long web page that prevents complex navigation and intricate menus. With simplicity and speed in the center of their layout, SPAs are gaining popularity because they operate well on a vast array of devices, from computers to tablet computers to cellular devices. The year 2020 is predicted to observe SPAs predicated on responsive and angular frameworks become more popular.

Trend #7: API-first Design

The catalog of the website’s newest development trends for 2020 cannot end without mentioning the API-first approach. With the rise of IoT, our mobile devices, homes, cars, and wearables are all connected. While this enchants convenience for users, more connected devices mean that each application includes more APIs.



Claritus consulting

Claritus, a global mobile and web application development services company with 250+ app developers to design apps.