11 Tips for Running a Successful Remote Business | Claritus Management Consulting

Claritus consulting
6 min readNov 13, 2019

Even before the Corona Virus pandemic, many global leaders such as Forbes reported that working remotely will soon become a “standard operating procedure” for roughly 50% of Americans. Many marquee names, some alive for more than a century, have become a byword for stagnation and ultimately failure because of being stuck in their old ways of a traditional office To keep up in today’s marketplace companies need to not just attract clients and consumers, but also the best talent. And we dare to suggest that having a remote business, or the ability to work remotely, is what will attract the talent you’re looking for

Sounds ominous right? Never fear- successful business people don’t see obstacles, they see opportunity. The online resources available to consumers and business owners alike are nearly incalculable.

Here are 11 Tips for Navigating the World of Remote Business

Remote Working custom software companies

We’re not saying we’re the end all be all experts in running a remote business, but we have certainly learned a few things that we are happy to share.

Be Flexible

Isn’t this the reason we went digital in the first place? Potential employees are drawn to working remotely, in large measure, by the flexibility it affords their schedule. Your employees live matter. If it’s important to them, it should be important to you too. Our company management is in cohesion while here’s a quote from the top management:

“working remotely, and working for a company that says they will allow it from time to time are two very different things. There’s absolutely no reason, in our digital world, that employers need to be so strict about office hours (obviously it depends on the industry). For me, being home for my kids is my number one priority. My career and job will never come first. And to be blunt, I’ll flip burgers over a prestigious title and more pay any day, if flipping burgers grants me the flexibility my family needs. And I think the majority of the current workforce feel the same way, and we should applaud and encourage that.”

Be Available

Make sure to have an open line of communication with your clients, as well as your staff. There’s an old saying in sales: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” If your remote workers or clients can’t contact you when they have a question or a problem, that’s a problem. Use tools such as Slack, Airtable, Facebook, and Instagram to stay engaged.

Be Proactive

Check-in with your team members. Ask how they are doing and get to know them, their kids, their animals, and what is happening in their lives. Ask how they feel about their workload, and prove that you care by listening and responding with kindness and respect. This goes a long way for freelancers and remote employees. Burnout runs high for remote workers- so understanding all they juggle is a great way to create a place they can do their best work. And yes, we dare to say it’s your responsibility as the business owner.

Invite Feedback

As a remote business operator, you have the information advantage. Your flexibility and availability mean that you can become an essential point of contact in your industry and for your freelancers and workers. Answering questions honestly, and welcoming concerns gracefully, builds trust. Business is still about relationships. If your workers know they can trust you, then they’ll want to work for you. As we say here a lot, happy workers make for happier clients. It starts at “home” folks.

Encourage Small Work Groups

As your remote staff grows, you will need to be mindful of the time zones and scheduling needs of your employees. One way to keep your team on task is to assign workgroups for each locality. These groups allow workers to brainstorm ideas, keep up with local business trends, and encourage one another. It’s also a nice way to delegate some responsibility and find new leaders in your organization. If you are all in different locations, go out of your way to FIND their local meetups, or even have a virtual work session as a team.

Show Appreciation

This goes for your employees, as well as your customers. One of the potential pitfalls of remote business is losing the personal touch. Think of the person with a hundred friends on social media, but no one to help them move their couch. Studies show that employees value encouragement, respect, and appreciation over money. You can build value into your brand by letting people know you value their hard work and business.

Hire the Right People

One massive benefit to the remote business is the range of talent available. Managers and business owners can hire from anywhere in the world. There are many places to look for new talent but our tried and true method has yet to do us wrong: start at home. Ask if your freelancers know someone or heck- post a call on your personal FB.

It’s ok to be picky too. Ask for references and examples of projects the individual is proud of. If you take the time and do your research, you can find the very best fit for your company. When you narrow down the pool of potential applicants, schedule face to face interviews using Zoom (our personal go-to), Facetime, Duo or another video conferencing service.

Know your Competition

This is true when it comes to landing clients and even more true when it comes to landing talent. How do we know that people value flexibility, decency, and encouragement over more money? Because we have agency experience and have seen first hand how you can throw money at employees all you want- but if you don’t treat them well and value their input they won’t stick around.

One example, we once had a competitor tell us this in regards to how they treat their employees (some unsolicited advice), “Don’t overly praise them or tell them how good they are. Then they leave or expect more pay. You want to keep them thinking they can’t go anywhere else.”

Our response? “Woah now Satan. Pretty sure that’s called psychological abuse.”

Connect with Peers

Take a trip to your local Chamber of Commerce. Developing relationships with other professionals in your area seems antithetical to remote business right? Wrong.

Hundreds of years of experience are available to the savvy manager via the local business community. Want to generate local leads? Testimonials of your excellence from respected business owners in your neighborhood are sales gold. A good report from the Better Business Bureau or Chamber of Commerce can set you apart from the pack.

Don’t ever underestimate the value of getting out from behind the computer and in front of your community.

Get Professional Help

No, that’s not an indictment of your character. Many managers and business owners equate asking for help with an admission of incompetence. That’s just silly; furthermore, it’s counterproductive. Remote business is a relatively new phenomenon, and it’s growing fast. Ask fellow remote workers for advice, and help. We have found that the remote business community is one of the most giving and kind communities out there.

Don’t Mess with Pay

This should go without saying, but we’ve heard some pretty bad stories out there. Look- people aren’t working for you for shits and giggles. No matter what, they do it for the money because they have bills, mouths to feed, and coffee habits to keep up. Do not, under any circumstances, pay late or short change your people.

Need More Remote Business Advice or a Remote Team to kickstart your idea?

Reach out to Claritus Management Consulting anytime if you own a business and you are intrigued by how digital transformation could help you. We love supporting this new way to work and truly believe we’re in it together. Request a call with our sales team here, we are excited to meet you on the other end of the call!



Claritus consulting

Claritus, a global mobile and web application development services company with 250+ app developers to design apps. https://www.claritusconsulting.com/